Buprenorphine: What is it?
Buprenorphine was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in October of 2002. The main use of buprenorphine is in opiate addiction treatment in the forms of sublingual medications Subutex and with naloxone in Suboxone. Buprenorphine can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms that are commonly experienced when someone is attempting to stop taking opiates such as narcotic painkillers or heroin. It can be effectively used in drug addiction.
How is it used?
Medications such as Suboxone and Subutex are sublingual pills that contain Buprenorphine. Sublingual are taken by placing the pill under ones tongue and allowing it to dissolve completely. Swallowing the medication does not yield the same effect as being taken sublingually. Buprenorphine should be used exactly as prescribed by a physician. Dosages and effects vary from patient to patient and should not be used unless specifically advised to do so.
Are there side effects?
Yes. Some side effects can be the same as withdrawal symptoms from opiates but generally in a much milder form. Side effects include:
- Cramps/ Muscle Aches
- Mild Fever
- Sweating
- Drowsiness
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Constipation
If these side effects become severe or do not go away, you should contact a doctor immediately.
Is there anything else I should know about buprenorphine?
Buprenorphine can be extremely helpful when attempting to go through opiate detox. However, it should only be used in suboxone rehab when instructed by a physician and withdrawal symptoms of buprenorphine can also be experienced when used improperly. When used correctly, buprenorphine is a great tool to help with opiate drug addictions. After incorrect usage of buprenorphine, one may have to go through buprenorphine rehab to be able toovercome the side effects and addiction.